It's Sound In Here

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Front CD Cover Artwork

Inside CD 

Back CD Cover

    Project Not Complete

Song List: (click on links for samples)

  Title Audio File Lyrics
1. A Big Blue Sky not available HTM

    This project is very unfinished and doesn't even have very many songs. Although I do have a lot of ideas in my head. This project is dedicated to the memory of my father and all the things and passions that we shared together. The cover is actually from a picture of him when he was only two years old. I thought it was rather strange that his finger was pointing in his ear. 
    The main song, "A Big Blue Sky" was written right after he passed away. Not having a very strong faith and always seeming somewhat confused about the spiritual realm, my song here is a reflection on that. "Is there really a God, or just a big blue sky?"
    There are a few other song ideas, but not even enough to provide you with any titles yet. Still thinking.