Graphical Wednesday

PAST December 06, 2000 NEXT

* Super Nova *    

Here's another space image that I created.
    This is my interpretation of a super nova in the process of vaporizing a few nearby planets.

How I did it...
This one actually took me quite some time to complete and with some of the strangest effects I've ever used. One day I was playing around with my scanner and just scanned my hand. Zooming in and playing with a close-up image of my thumb, I stumbled across a feature that made little tiny swirls all throughout the image. The surface of my thumb suddenly looked like tiny little flames. So I adjusted the contrast and enhanced the colors a bit and the surface looked so much like flames on the surface of the sun that I just had to do something with it. Just the very edge and corner of my thumb is here in the bottom left-hand corner of the image. The space background was another previous trick I stumbled across and have used in various other space images. Just random stars. The gas clouds are actually real clouds layered on the image and faded to be faint and very transparent.  A few lens-flare effects were added to the large stars. Some of the brighter stars were copies of the reflection of a blue LED light against a blank computer monitor. The two vaporizing planets were some of the previous attempts at planets, but with some extra effects added in the give the illusion of gas clouds emanating from them. The actual effect and what I did to create it would take way too long to explain in very much detail here. Besides, I have to keep some secrets now don't I?