Atmospherical Friday

PAST January 12, 2001 NEXT

Okay, you can laugh at me now and call me a "Stuck-in-the-mud". Then read
below and laugh a little more.

    I have, in the past, gone through some rather unorthodox measures to get
some shots of the different things I have taken pictures of.
    Well, first of all, I apologize because tonight's sunset was much more
spectacular than last night's.

    Yesterday I had to go to Charlottesville for the afternoon and was on my
way back when I was looking to the West sky behind me. I was noticing how
the clouds were forming and I could tell that they were going to make for a
great sunset. I was hoping that I could get home in time.
    I had dinner plans with a group of friends so I didn't have much time
once I did get home.
    I arrived but the sun had already gone past the horizon and I missed the
best part of it, which did turn out to be quite impressive.
    I quickly got in my car, drove home and grabbed my camera. I have had
Zachary, the dog, for the week so I grabbed him as well knowing that he
would have to go out REAL soon.
    I drove across the road from the apartments and onto the posted, gravel
road and then up a dirt road hill to the top of a hill where I had taken
pictures before. I figured if I was caught trespassing I would just have to
pay the fine.
    The ground looked fine and, as I have a four wheel drive, I had no
    I pulled up to the end of the dirt (mud) road and it began to feel a
little bit squishy so I stopped, grabbed the camera and stepped out. My feet
sank into the mud up to my ankles and I realized that it was a little worse
than I thought. Before snapping a picture off I went around the vehicle and
locked in the front hubs. I took "a" picture and got back into the truck
expecting to turn around and get into a better position so I could get a few
more shots before the sunset totally disappeared.
    Then I realized that it was MUCH worse than I thought. The front wheels
had already gone into much softer mud than the rear wheels. The truck didn't
seem to move at all. I rocked it back and forth with hardly any positive
results. I rocked and rocked and rocked. Back and forth over and over again.
Then I got out, walked around and found some old boards and some rocks to
put under the wheels and try to gain some traction. I rocked back and forth
some more. The rocks and wood gave me no help at all. I then noticed that
each time I went back and forth and turned the wheels a certain way the
truck would turn a few inches counter-clockwise. I maintained this pursuit
for freedom until I finally gained some better ground and was able to creep
out and back down the hill. "WHEW!" I have to be the luckiest person in the
    I figured that somebody must have heard the noise and I almost expected
to find myself in the arms of a local law enforcement officer waiting for me
to come out and down off the muddy trail.
    Well, don't worry, I got out free and clear. Of course until one of you
make a phone call and turn me in.

    So here is the shot I did get. Sorry its not as good as it could have
been but hey, I survived without a scratch. Of course I have allot of mud to
clean up.

    Oh, and not to worry, I still made it in time for dinner with all my
        Well, except for the "stick-in-the-muds" that didn't show up.
                Ha ha.