Geographical Thursday

PAST April 12. 2001 NEXT

* Two Feet Above the Ground *

What an awesome jump I had here.
    This picture comes from Orange, Virginia.

    I jumped out of the plane at 13,000 feet and immediately opened my
chute. I took my camera with me and from the time I left the plane till the
time I touched down on the ground, which was approximately 16 minutes, I had
taken a total of 43 images.
    After leaving the plane and opening my chute I began taking panoramic
shots of the horizon and sky all the way around me. The wind was blowing a
little stronger and in a different direction than I had anticipated so by
the time I had taken the 17 panoramic shots and looked down I had drifted
quite a ways from the airport. Not a problem though, there are plenty of
open fields in the area and I made it back to within about a mile of the
airport where a friend came out and picked me up.

    This picture here was one of my favorites which I have humorously
referred to as "Two Feet Above the Ground".
        But of course it was taken just a little above 10,000 feet up in the

    Please enjoy and please, PLEASE! keep your feet on the ground. Its
starting to get a little too crowded up there in the sky.