Geographical Thursday

PAST April 26. 2001 NEXT

Hungry Jack's

    Many countries seem to have different names for our all too familiar

    As you can clearly see here, what is referred to as Burger King, here in
the states, is called Hungry Jack's in Australia.
    Its the exact same restaurant with just a different name.

    I also noticed that "Kellogg's Rice Krispies" are called "Rice Bubbles"
in Australia. Yet they still have Snap, Crackle, and Pop on the box.

    Another thing I thought was interesting was the restaurant franchise
known as "The Lone Star Steakhouse and Saloon". They have them all over here
in Virginia as well as many other states and I noticed that they have about
five of them in Australia but they don't have any of them in Texas. Not very
authentic Lone Star state cookin'. Especially since they don't even serve a
favorite Texas dish that I grew up with, chicken fried steak.