Botanical Monday
PAST May 14, 2001 NEXT

* 4-leaf Clover *

Well, well, well,
    How's this for irony?
        A simple washing machine hose in my apartment burst while I was away
and flooded my whole apartment. There was not one square inch of my
apartment that didn't have water.
    There was so much water that it was coming out of the front and back
door. It flooded into the neighbor's apartment next door so he called the
maintenance who came and began cleaning up the mess about 30 minutes prior
to my arrival.
    A carpet cleaning company then came over and began dealing with the

    Not to worry too much. It appears that the only things damaged will be a
few cheap bookcases and a dresser.

    I do, however have everything in a disarray and my computer is now just
minimally hooked up in order to send this email out and will then be
disconnected again until I get everything more cleaned up.

    So, back to the irony;
        After coming in to my slightly disastrous dwelling I started picking
up and taking and tossing wet things outside when, while I was outside, I
looked down and came across this beautiful, perfect, little four-leaf clover
just staring me in the face. There were a few other normal, three-leaf,
clovers around it but not like this one. I had never seen such a perfect
one. Oh yeah, I use to look all over for them when I was young and found a
few but none quite exquisite as this one.
    I carefully knelt down and examined this little thing more closely. I
looked all around for signs of others but there was none to be found.
    I leaned a little closer towards it and I asked the little clover,
"WHERE  IN   THE   F%&#  WERE   YOU   YESTERDAY?!?" I took this picture here
for you all and then lifted my foot and promptly stepped on it.

        Sorry for the profanity.