Biological Tuesday
PAST August 28, 2001 NEXT

* Chipmunk *
    Up on the top of Black Butte the chipmunks get rather friendly because they have become quite accustomed to people feeding them. I didn't feed them but had a good time playing with them.     It was really funny when I didn't pay attention to them they would start barking with little chirping sounds until I would watch them. Then they would show off and play.     Another interesting thing that I remember about these little chipmunks. When I was younger I use to watch them along the sides of the logging roads. When driving up along the logging roads the chipmunks would poke their heads out of a hole on one side of the road, dash out into the road and run across in front of the vehicle as if they were playing chicken. Then they would dive into a hole on the opposite side of the road. I thought that this was really absurd behavior and couldn't figure out what they were doing. I would like to think that they were just playing but I really think that they were doing it to try to lour the vehicles away from their nests, thinking that these big machines were predators. But that's just my theory.