Graphical Wednesday
PAST September 26, 2001 NEXT

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* Dragon Master *
    Well, it looks like I found my dragon. It wasn't easy though. I had to travel back in the past some thousand years. (Maybe it was a dream. Time travel is a little sketchy like that.)
    Anyway, that is where I saw this scene. (yeah, right) Danny Galixy, my alter-ego, was riding this wingless bush dragon. A more popular dragon for use in forests. With their relatively short legs they can stay low under the tree line while at the same time they can move rather quickly out in the open. Without the cumbersome wings they can crawl into smaller caves and within deep forest growth. In a time where most men had feared and tried to destroy these magnificent
creatures, some special humans, such as Danny Galixy, would befriend and protect these animals.
    As you may or may not know, Danny Galixy is my alter ego. A somewhat fictitious character that transcends all time, space, and reality.
    As you may know dragons are believed by many cultures to have been real living creatures. Almost all cultures around the globe, even isolated from others, believed in some kind of dragon. Although I would like to believe in these mystical beasts I have a more logical solution. As we have for many years been discovering dinosaur remains, all over the world, so must have cultures before us. Not having the scientific resources at their disposal to define and understand what they had found they must have come up with these wild elaborate stories. With the fossil remains being stone that would have to indicate some sort of magic as well. Imagine coming across a Tyrannosaurus head and not knowing what or where it came from. Anyway, that's just my theory.