Biological Tuesday

January 08, 2002


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* Millipede *
An incredibly fascinating creature, the Millipede comes in a wide variety of types. On the trail up in Oregon around the Multnomah falls area this one here was only about 3" in length and was very fast. I never got a full, clear shot of it. I actually thought this was a centipede for quite some time, but after some research found this one to be a millipede. Centipedes have two legs per segment (one on each side), where millipedes have four (two on each side).

I recall about 15 years ago I found a very large Centipede at my grandmother's house out in the country in Texas. It was approximately 10" in length and was incredible. With a long, black, segmented body, and long, yellow legs with stingers at the ends of each one, all the way up to its large bright red head. I took it home and kept it in a nice habitat for several months, feeding it raw meat.