Geographical Thursday
December 12, 2002
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* Home? *

Here you see an image of the Capital Building in Washington, D.C.

At the very end of my journey it was such a wonderful sight to see, knowing that my 30,000 mile journey around the continent was finished. I didn't even care if the bike broke down at this point. I was certainly close enough to call somebody.

But one problem suddenly hit me. What do I do now? I am out of money and need to find work. To get back into the life that I had left behind more than four months ago.

I suddenly didn't really feel at home. I felt out of place. This wasn't my home. But where is my home? I rode all around the continent and never found one place that I could really call just "home". It has been puzzling me since I finished my trip but finally it hit me. After much thought it has finally dawned on me. My home is everywhere. This country is my home. Anywhere I feel comfortable and safe and happy is my home. I felt that everywhere I went.

I then realized that I have been home all along.
This is my home.

My home sweet home