Graphical Wednesday


April 07, 2004

* Loose Change *

For many years now I have had the habit of throwing all my loose change into a big jar. Never spending what is in my pocket during the day. For one reason is that I never wanted to inconvenience other people in line at a checkout by rummaging through my pockets and count out the exact change.

Numerous times, for various reasons, I had cashed in the coins. Just this past week I did that again. This time building coins up for more than seven years, with quarters, nickels, dimes, and pennies, adding up to a total of $721.00.

Of course many people thought I was stupid for letting it sit there in a jug like that, collecting dust and not interest. Of course, with my lack of financial responsibility, cashed in, it will get spent and not collect any interest at all. So its nice to know that its there for a rainy day. Or for a time when I will soon be moving, and I just don't want to pack and carry that huge jug of coins again.

So I now have a little jar with a few coins in it, as I start all over again.