Graphical Wednesday


April 21, 2004

* Dandelion Seed *

In thinking of a "Graphical" image I often times feel challenged, which sometimes feeds my creativity. Today I found myself exploring some of the new flowers around the house and came across a few dandelions. That's when I came up with the challenge of getting a picture of a dandelion seed in mid flight. (Or mid "float", as it were)

This image is not enhanced in any way. It was merely me, taking picture after picture. Dropping the seed and chasing it with the camera until I finally got this shot.

You may say that I just have way too much time on my hands, and, in some respects, I may actually agree with you. But we all have our own hobbies that we enjoy. And trust me, I couldn't ever imagine myself walking around a golf course chasing a little ball from hole to hole. But, with an open mind, I can't ever condemn those that do.

I've learned that you don't have to partake of the same interests of others to appreciate them. Just appreciate that they do have them.