Atmospherical Friday

PAST August 20, 2004 NEXT
* A Day's End *

As another day ends we say goodbye to one more day of our life. A sunset, no matter how beautiful, is still a grim reminder that all things must end. 

But as we can see, there is always another day.

They say, "Where there is a beginning, there must also be an end." But we must also realize that, "As there is an end, there must also be a beginning."
As we often ponder our lives and our existence, we have to realize the harsh fact that, at some time, this life will come to an end. But as the universe is vast and never ending and time is forever and never ending, it sometimes becomes difficult for us to accept this reality. So we often create diversions and fantasies from real life, and explore the realms of the imagination.
As I travel through this life I have learned to never live my life by the rules and logic of this mortal world. But yet find it much more interesting and fun to dream and explore places and circumstances that don't exist.

"Open your eyes and dream."