Graphical Wednesday


December 01, 2004


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* The Ring *

As I was riding the other day I noticed that the sun was presenting some of those "Sun Dogs" as I have heard them referred to as. The bright rainbow-like prisms that you can often see on each side of the sun. But as I rode further I watched as the light cloud coverage had presented me with an awesome view. So I got out the camera and tripod and took several shots. This image is slightly enhanced to bring out the contrast of the shot. I decided to stand in front of the camera and block the sun to obscure the glare.

How I did it: 
In this shot I set the timer, stood in front of the camera, and positioned my shadow to cover the camera and turned around. I didn't think that it would be necessary to turn around, with my back to the camera, as the silhouette in this shot is totally black and you can't see any details. But in a few test shots the contrast wasn't enough and you could actually see my face. 
After taking the shot I took the contrast up and the brightness down.