Botanical Monday


May 23, 2005


* Just One Day *

Here's another picture of the same type of cactus flower from two weeks ago. This was taken at the desert museum here in Tucson. As I stated before, these flowers only bloom for one day out of the year. Unbeknownst to me, and again proving my good fortune,  it just happened to be on the day I was there.

However, many people did know of this event, and there were quite a few professional photographers there with a bunch of fancy equipment that I'd love to have. But one in particular was all over these cactus flowers. As I moved in to get a few shots I overheard her complaining about some Christmas lights that the park had laid all around the flowers. She was carefully moving the wires and lights out of the way of her shots as she was cursing and complaining the whole time. The funny thing was, as she was complaining about all the lights and wires in the way, I thought to myself, "I sure wish this annoying photographer would get out of my way so I could a good shot." But I refrained and just went on my way.

I did get quite a few more shots of the various different flowers in this particular garden that I'm sure I will share in the future. And now I'm starting to think a little differently about the art of photography and getting a good shot. As I have said in the past, the only art to a good photographer is to take hundreds of pictures. Therefore, by default, at least a few will be really good shots. But now I'm starting to think that there has to be a balance and that a good photographer might not have to take so many pictures of just one thing, but just enough so they will have the extra time to get good shots of so many other things.