Graphical Wednesday


October 05, 2005


* Rough Waters *

I threw this image together in about two minutes last week. As I had posted the background from the clouds, and used it for last week's Atmospherical image, for other reasons, I was looking back though my archives of images and came across a shot of a guy in a boat, on a river, in Oregon. Then the thought just popped into my disturbed little head and I threw the two images together at that moment.

First of all, I took the image of the clouds and flipped it upside down, and then squeezed it down horizontally just a bit, to help give it a little more depth. I then cut out and paste the boat right in the center of the image, and there you have it. Because the boat was actually in the sunlight in the original shot, it came out looking almost as if it is a negative on the background here. I thought about touching it up and bringing the light and color of the boat down to match the background better but then I thought further and asked myself, "Why?" and left it as is. Two minutes was already too much time.