Photographical Saturday


April 15, 2006


* Ms. "D" *

Elizabeth Belle Drake Dulin, at the age of 83, passed away on March 26, 2006 in Fredericksburg, VA.

Mrs. Dulin, or just plain Ms. "D", as she was affectionately referred to by most of her friends, was a very wonderful and loved person by so many people. 

Mrs. Dulin was the general manager of Stratford Square Apartments with 40 years of loyal service and she was a member of the Virginia Semiconductor Board of Directors for 22 years.

Through all of her years she touched the lives of so many people, including me. She had the amazing ability of reading people and being able to look right at them and know whether or not they were a trustworthy or sincere person. 

I first became acquainted with Ms. D back in 1996 when I had started flying out from my home in Dallas to provide technical support and consulting for Virginia Semiconductor. Having a very close relationship to the owner and president, she would often join us for lunches and other gatherings. After my marital separation in 1997, she told the president of the company to offer me a job. So I took it and moved out to Virginia.
Not having any family in the area, Ms. D and my new family at work would often invite me to their homes for the holidays. I recall some wonderful times spent with and around Ms. D, as she just took me in like her own son and became a very strong figure in my life. I even recall screening a few of my girlfriends through Ms. D. I think I remember her referring to one of them as a "Jezebel". And she sure hit the nail on the head with that one. With other ones she would just make subtle comments about them possibly being selfish or fake or insincere. Sometimes I tried to ignore the advice but she turned out to be right on every occasion, and I quickly learned to value her words.

And now I have to share something very special;
I had my motorcycle accident on the evening of March 25, and was in surgery at around midnight. Ms. D passed away at about 2:00 AM that same evening. Which, with a two-hour time difference would have all taken place at the same time.
So while I was unconscious, I had a strange dream. I found myself in the mountains somewhere. It was snowing, and I had short sleeves on, but I was warm. There were trees all around and I was on a wooden walkway. To my left, the walkway made a turn around some trees and to a large house. I was there waiting to greet Ms. D and see her new house in the mountains. After just a few moments she came around the corner to my right. She was wearing a dark red, velvety top. Following her was a long line of faceless people, all dressed in black. 
She came up to me and gave me a big hug and told me that she loved me, and said that everything was going to be okay. She then said, "Thank you so much for coming all this way to see me, but you don't belong here."
I remember feeling a little disappointed and confused, but I hugged her again and told her I loved her and I would miss her. We said goodbye as she continued down the path and around the trees, with the people following her. I waited for a moment as they all disappeared around the corner, and then I woke up.

I found a message from a friend on my phone the next day, telling me about Ms. D.

Now I'm not sure what all your beliefs are out there. But there is so much more to life that we will never understand. We just have to embrace what we have and enjoy every moment. 

I know I have, once again, looked death in the face, and came back away from the edge. I'm not going anywhere, any time soon.

I have a few too many things to do here before I retire to my house in the mountains.

Peace and happiness to you all.