Botanical Monday


July 03, 2006


* Learning Curve *

So with every new tool or device comes a new learning curve. With my new camera, and all of it's features, it's definitely taking me some time to figure out all of the variables and functions to achieve the best shot possible. Like in this shot of a Red Mexican Bird of Paradise, I was having a difficult time in being able to focus on the petals and the stamens, all at the same time. However, I do think I have learned how to be able to adjust both the shutter speed and aperture individually to achieve this. 

It is going to take me a little while of experimenting to get all these variables to stick in my head long enough so that when I pull out my camera for that one in a million shot, I will be able to remember what I've learned and possibly be able to take that picture before Elvis hides behind a lamppost.

At least, unlike conventional photography, the experimenting is not going to cause me to go through tons of "$$" worth of film and developing expenses.