Biological Tuesday


July 25, 2006


* Spider vs. Lizard? *

And the lizard won!

One night when I came into my house I noticed another one of those very large Giant Crab Spiders on my kitchen ceiling. And I just hate those things. They're very creepy and they freak me out. Not to mention that they're very quick, aggressive and somewhat poisonous.

So I carefully got a glass out of the cupboard and put it over the top of the spider. I then took a card and slipped it between the glass and the ceiling, capturing the spider in the glass. He really did not like this and went ballistic in the glass. So I put the glass on the counter and figured I'd do something with him the next day.

The next morning I took the spider outside and too a clearing in the driveway, because I knew how fast these things can be. I got my camera ready to take some pictures and tipped the card off of the glass. And just like I expected the spider came blasting out of the glass like a it had just been shot out of a cannon, and went zipping across the ground so fast I couldn't get a picture. For a moment, as I was chasing it, he made a turn towards me and I almost lost my balance trying to get out of his way. 

It didn't take long before he was right at the edge of a bunch of cactus and brush and I figured he'd slow down ad bit and I might be able to get a picture in the there. But out of nowhere this lizard came lunging out and dove on the spider. The spider freaked out, the lizard freaked out, and I freaked out. Then, in the blink of an eye, the spider wrapped it's long legs around the lizard, and the battle was on. The lizard jumped back and flicked it's head up and literally threw the spider in the air. The spider took off again with the lizard right on it's tail. They went around and around while I tried to take pictures of them. I felt like one of those scenes from a movie where two people are fighting and another person is trying to shoot the bad guy while they're tumbling around on the ground. "SHOOT HIM! SHOOT HIM!" 
"I'M TRYING! I'M TRYING!" I thought to myself.

Then, finally, before I knew it, the battle was over and the lizard had been victorious. After a few more moments of wrestling around with the squirming long-legged creature, the lizard finally drug the spider off further into the vegetation and ate it.