Photographical Sunday


September 03, 2006


* Lindsay at Orange *

This is a photo of one of my favorite people in the world, Lindsay, standing in front of one of my favorite places in the world, Skydive Orange, In Virginia.
 This picture was taken in February of 2000, when a bunch of us thought we were all REALLY cool, by skydiving in the snow. 
But Will had to prove us all wimps that day when he decided to jump naked. And amazing to me that he was actually able to survive the jump with everything in tact, and eventually even fathered a child.

Skydive Orange was a place that many of us considered "home" every weekend. And a place where we all became a very close family and shared our passion of jumping.
This place is also referred to in one of my songs, "
It's Cold Outside", when, after an incident, many of us had a difficult time going back "home" for a while.

You can read and explore more about the music project, "Mr. Fabulous" in my renovated music pages at: