Biological Tuesday


October 31, 2006


* Horseshoe Crab *

While at the Newport Aquarium I got some neat shots of a horseshoe crab from underneath. The horseshoe crab is a fascinating creature since it's been on this planet, and remained relatively unchanged for millions of years.. Now that's a resilient design. 

Although it's referred to as a crab, it's not really a crustacean at all, and it's actually considered to be in the arachnid family. But to me, I think that there is a fine line between the two, and the horseshoe crab is definitely hanging on the edge. 

Being such a prehistoric creature, I feel that it's one of the primary and elemental creatures that help to define evolution and displays a good example of how they could have divided into the various different directions. I myself see the horseshoe crab as being one of those creatures that is neither crustacean, nor arachnid, but a species that was long before there was enough definition between any of the two categories. 

Just like I feel that the dinosaurs were neither reptilian nor aviary, or any other category for that matter. But a lesser defined creature, way before they had evolved into the animals that we know of today.