Photographical Saturday


November 4, 2006


* Monkey Boy *

This is what Halloween is all about. It's not about the Pagans or any other satanic cults. It's not about the parties and people getting trashed. It's not about the pumpkins and the scary decorations. No, it's all about this; Putting our children in stupid little costumes so we can parade them around the neighborhoods and ridicule them before they get old enough to comprehend what we're doing. 

I was fortunate this year to be able to house-sit for a friend since they had to work, and wanted their house to be open and deliver candy to the trick-or-treaters. I always get a kick out of the different costumes and the faces of the kids. Well, and I always enjoy dressing up just a bit, and indulge in a little candy myself. But I still don't understand why people keep calling the police when I come to their doors. Oh well.

I hope everybody had a good and safe Halloween, and you all dressed your children up in stupid costumes and got lots of pictures. You'll need those to use against them later, when they grow up.

Always feel free to check out and download Sinisteria, from my music pages. A composition specifically created for Halloween.