Photographical Saturday


March 24, 2007


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* Noisy Hikers *

Why do people go hiking? Well, I would think for various different reasons for each individual. Myself? I like it for the exercise, the visual experience of exploring the outdoors, the potential photo opportunities, and to try to possibly get a glimpse of some wildlife. And most importantly I like to get out and away from the populated areas and enjoy a little peace and tranquility. 

However, sometimes that's just not an option when other people are hiking on the trails, and some of them do seem to talk quite loudly. However, I do often get a laugh sometimes as I watch people hiking in a group and one of them is chattering up a storm, while the other's don't seem to be talking at all. Either they can't get in a word edge-wise, or they might feel the way I do and just want to enjoy the outdoors. 

A very talkative and loud person should be a bit more cautious than others, as they might accidentally get nudged off of a cliff.
