Photographical Sunday


May 20, 2007


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* Jenny Rose * 

While in Tombstone we observed as the town was being turned upside down with a major new street project. It appears as though they are pulling up all of their concrete streets in the downtown area and turning them back to dirt, to try to instill more of that authentic western flare. But of course in turning the streets back to dirt, that would most certainly promote the problem of creating more and more dust. So, to try to alleviate that potential threat, they were spreading a type of glue down on the dirt, in order to try to solidify it more and help better protect the dirt from the elements. 

Then, I noticed this young lady walking around town with a cameraman and I had to ask her what she was doing. Although she was not all that friendly, and she never actually introduced herself, she did mention that she was from Tucson's KGUN 9 television channel and was covering the story about the changes to the Tombstone streets. After a quick search on their web site I did discover that she is one of the reporters and, as they stated, always looking for an interesting story to cover.

Now, I do realize that she was busy and apparently didn't want to be bothered by some stupid tourist on the street. But I do currently have a very huge story on my hands and have been thinking of presenting it to some local television station. But I think I would rather share it and speak to a reporter that is just a little bit more friendly and inviting and approachable than Jenny was.
