Graphical Wednesday


August 23, 2000


My Webster's Dictionary defines "Graphical" as:    Written, drawn, or engraved
production marked by clear and lively description or striking imaginative
power. (COOL)

    My friend, Joe, was concerned about me when I told him that I had just
purchased a new motorcycle. He was worried whether I had a good helmet
or not. I assured him that I had the good, full helmet to
protect my head.

        I have one problem though; I took Zachary, my dog, out
riding with me the other day. I didn't think that I was suppose to have
a helmet (or hel-mutt) for him and we had a bad accident. The helmet
protected my head but my body was destroyed. As Zachary was positioned
well behind me, my body broke his fall but his head was severely
damaged. Well the
doctors labored for hours upon hours and did the best they could do with
what we had left over. At least I'm in one piece and my dog and I have
never been
        What do you think?

How I did it...
A simple cut and paste of my head onto the dogs head. Not anything really detailed involved.