
PAST February 14, 2001 NEXT

* IT *

I had played an on-line game with my subscribers where I posted daily clues of what "IT" was, until people finally guessed that it was this black widow spider.

Now, while researching this I came across discrepancies in the various
resources where I got my information.
    I really don't think that these things can have a body length of up to
1.5 inches, let alone 1 inch. That's pretty big for any spider.
    I also am not sure whether or not this is a male or female. Many
resources stated that only the female has the hourglass while others state
that the male does as well.
    There were also discrepancies about the markings that it has on it's
    In any case you will more than likely see more pictures of it because I
have quite a few now.

reference links: 010220.htm, 020115.htm, 040406.htm