Biological Tuesday
PAST December 11, 2001 NEXT

* Butterfly *
I've sent a picture of a butterfly just like this one before (CLICK HERE). I had one in my apartment for a whole week while I fed and took care of it. My Audubon field guide doesn't have this particular butterfly in it so I don't yet know the name. This one here I found up in the Blue Ridge mountains while hiking.

I hope that everybody liked my story Monday about the little boy in China playing with the rocks. It reminds me of when I was a little boy. My mother once put me in the corner for something I can't remember now. While in the corner I found two bobbie pins. I affixed them together in a fashion to look like a small airplane and began to play. This, of course, frustrated my mother even more because she could even put me in the corner without me enjoying it. Sometimes you just have to make the best of any situation.
I remember another time my mother put me in the corner. I was crying when a little while after she left the room my sister snuck in, came up to me and handed me two bobbie pins. I so appreciated the gesture but refused them because I didn't want her to get in trouble as well.