Photographical Saturday
June 8, 2002
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* People *

For a long time I have not felt comfortable in taking photos of people. On one hand I don't feel that I can do them justice and capture their personality. Then, on the other hand, there's so many people that don't even want to be photographed at all and, far be it for me to push the issue. Then on the other hand, (oh wait, that's three hands.) Anyway, I was wondering, "Why would anybody want to see pictures of people that they don't even know?"

As I stated before my mother use to get so upset with my father for wasting film by taking so many pictures of plants, animals, and scenery but not any of people. Well, that's a total exaggeration and not even true. While going through my dad's pictures a little more I was actually having a difficult time trying to find photos without people in them. Then I started examining these images more closely and realized that some of these were very impressive pictures. I can see that its not necessarily the picture of a particular person but more in capturing a moment of expression or emotion. 

So, for the next few weeks I will be presenting some of my father's images of people and will hopefully learn a little more about taking better pictures of them myself.

This image here was actually taken in color, that had faded over the years. I converted it to black and white.