Geographical Thursday

Sept. 18, 2003
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* Hurricane Isabel *

After Isabel's little tantrum I drove around Fredericksburg the next day to view some of the aftermath. Not much to see but a bunch of trees toppled over. Much like this one in front of City Hall. Its a good thing that truck was there to save this tree. Others were not so lucky.

Isabel didn't do all that much damage here in Fredericksburg, or, from what I have heard from others around the state, not too much elsewhere. Although many were out of power for a while and some still are we are back up and running. We lost power here at my place around 9:00 PM Thursday night and got it back around 5:00 PM Friday. We still had water and gas so a nice, hot shower felt really good.

We had several tall trees behind the house topple over but none of them hit the house. It was quite a scary sound though.