Photographical Sunday

Sept. 28, 2003
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* Karla's Last Steps *

On Saturday afternoon, upon arrival to the steps of the Capital building, Karla asked one of the policemen there if she could open her bottle of champagne to celebrate her completion of this extensive trip. After explaining what she had been doing, he never really answered her, he just said, "Make it quick." As he, and all the other officers around the area mysteriously disappeared for a while.

She popped the cork, opened the bottle, and took a few sips and put it away again. We found the cork and capped the bottle, put it back in a plastic bag, and stuffed it away back into her cart, out of sight.

We headed back down and away from the building and were several blocks away when we were taken by a sudden surprise. From all the heat and agitation of movement and bouncing of the rough surface of the sidewalk, a pressure was building inside of the vessel and it could no longer be contained. A loud explosion came from inside her cart as a blast of white foam shot a white plastic bag from deep within. Like a gun turret strategically mounted and concealed within the disguise of this seemingly homeless person's cart, the shot startled several people walking across her path on the sidewalk. The white foam from the champagne bottle blew and made a loud pop and hiss as it ejected the plastic bag about twenty or more feet in front of the cart. Filling up with air, like a parachute, the bag finally slowed and dropped to the ground, with the cork still inside.

Once we finally realized what had happened it took us quite some time before we could stop laughing.