Botanical Monday


March 22, 2004


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* My Tree *

I know I've posted a picture of this same tree before. But every time I make it out to Oregon, to visit my sister, I always drive by to see the tree that I planted when I was only eight years old.

For Arbor day that year, our school had acquired seedlings of pine trees and gave them to all the kids. I took mine home and, as we were living with our grandparents at the time, I asked my grandmother if and where I could put it. We found a nice spot off to the side of the front yard where she helped me dig a small hole and we carefully planted the fragile little tree. 

Over the years, as you can see, the tree grew quite well. I moved away years later but often come back to visit. Every time I do, I am always amazed at how tall it has grown. This picture was taken on Sept. 18, 2002. It is now 31 years old.