Graphical Wednesday

PAST June 02, 2004 NEXT
* Crude Oil *

Please be aware of the graphic nature of today's posting and take careful considerations where children are concerned.
I sincerely apologize if this message offends or disturbs anybody in any way.

Today's "Graphical" posting is just somewhat graphic in content, not imagery. The display of which was not created by me this time, but by nature, assisted through a process developed by my uncle. But it certainly may put some things into perspective.

The bottle on the left of the image, and the small puddle in front, is a sample of crude oil extracted from a process developed by my uncle. The black rock on the right is raw carbon, also a byproduct of this process. This particular experiment was from a sample of landfill garbage. Broken down into its basic raw elements it produces gas, oil, water, and carbon.

Now for the crude and slightly morbid reality here. If an average human body, weighing 175 pounds, is ran through this process, among all the other elements, it will yield approximately 38 pounds of oil. 

With the death rate in this country at approximately 5 people per minute, this could yield approximately 332,880 barrels of crude oil per year. For a global equation of over 7,000,000 barrels per year.

Now with the world consumption of oil, this is really insignificant. But this little bit of information does not include the gas vapor that can also be used to drive generators and produce power. Then when you add up all the massive amounts of other waste in our environment, I think we can, in fact make a huge impact on the world.

Now, trust me, this is not some twisted suggestion for us all to donate our bodies and have them dumped into some "Mr. Fusion" reactor. Just merely an observation of another portion of waste to our environment. Perhaps a drop in the bucket of reality. But I do feel that we really need to evaluate and realize the enormous state at which our planet is in, bite our lips and stop using up our natural resources as if they are endless. Stop dumping our waste into areas where it is not seen and stop living like royalty. These atrocities to the planet are already catching up with us at alarming rates.

I have never understood the concept of burying our loved ones just so that we can have a place to go and visit the pretty carved stone that we place above their remains. The remains of which are no longer those of a living, breathing human. After my life has passed I certainly don't wish to use up any resources or any amount of valuable real estate as in the form of a cemetery.

Because, after all, isn't a cemetery really just a glorified landfill?