Graphical Wednesday

PAST July 21, 2004 NEXT
* Arms *

I have never cared too much for abstract art in the past. I have never really understood or appreciated a Picasso painting as I have always been much more impressed with paintings that are more realistic. But it appears as though I have, on numerous occasions, came up with more and more abstract junk myself. Much like this image here, that may be just about the strangest thing I have ever made. Silly and simple in its visual structure, I have actually been quite intrigued by it myself. I don't know why.

Just playing around with some of the various effects in my graphics software I found a feature that will take a particular shape, duplicating it over and over as you move the brush, or pointer, across the screen. You can tweak the effect to define the frequency and density that it duplicates the object within the drawing. 

Then I added another feature that will orbit a specified number of these objects in a specified pattern and configuration.

Picking a simple round object, with a skin tone, with five orbiting objects, and tweaking the distances and frequency of them all, I came up with what looked like fingers as I moved the brush. So then I tried a few attempts at drawing the shape of an arm. I came up with the right arm and then duplicated it, reversed it, and positioned it for the left arm.