Biological Tuesday


October 05, 2004


* Leo the Lion /dog *

Leo is a big chow with a slightly humorous hair style, much like that of a lion. It works very well for him out here in the desert, helping him to stay cool, and mostly keeping brush and thorns from getting tangled in his fur.

So, on this day, I wanted to get a good pose of Leo, as a lion, but he just refused to cooperate and decided to lay down instead. Well far be it for me to disturb him and force him to pose for me at this point. Besides, when Leo decides to lay down, you don't move him, you just have walk or work around him.

Leo is a very large chow that lives here with my aunt and uncle. They found him soon after they moved out here. Starving and about half dead, they nursed him back to health and kept him around. He has turned out to be one of the best and loyal dogs I've known. But as he has grown older, he does have a habit of laying down right in the way. And since he is so big, nobody even tries to move him.

One of Leo's favorite things is to take a ride in the pickup, most commonly to go to check the mail. So whenever anybody gets near the pickup, he is on the spot and ready to go. Well, one day, as I was moving some of my things from the house to the shop, I was going to use the pickup. Not thinking, I quickly hopped in and drove over to the house, a very short distance of about a few hundred feet. As I stopped I noticed Leo had followed. Quite upset with the fact that I had taken the truck without his permission, he decided to walk in the house and lay down, right in the middle of the living room floor, right in my way.

I didn't even try to move him, I just carried and moved things around him.