Photographical Sunday


November 07, 2004


* New Hair Cut *

Due to so many requests, and I don't know why anybody cares, but here is a shot of me with my new hair cut. Its actually still in shock and I have a hard time with it, but it will calm down soon. All those follicles just don't know what to do without some kind of weight on them. 
Many people that don't know me that well are usually shocked when I cut my hair off, but I usually do it about every year or two. I just get tired of dealing with it and like the change. Besides I never care too much for the stereotypes. Well, and of course, the "Fabio" comments.

But now there's a few problems. 1. The new cut reveals a lot of the grey hairs that were hiding. 2. I have to keep my ears clean all of the time now. and 3. When I had my hair all pulled back most of the time, it kept the skin on my face all tight. Now that I can't pull it back, all the wrinkles are showing up and falling down in my face.

Now I know all the grey hair and wrinkles are not a normal look for me so I think its just a temporary faze I'm going through.

 I think.