Biological Tuesday


March 08, 2005


* Easter Bunny? * 

Well, with Easter right around the corner, I figured it might be a good idea to get a picture of the Easter Bunny. Here he is, taking a break from his preparation and collection of Easter eggs. Of course many of the local chicken farmers are not all too happy with him raiding their coops and stealing their eggs. But I'm sure that with his cunning and ingenuity the Easter Bunny will once again be able to overcome these obstacles and provide us for a wonderful Easter this year.

Actually this was just a plain psycho, suicidal rabbit that happened to run across the yard and sit directly in front of my car, right in my path, just as I was getting ready to leave one evening. Almost as if it were daring or asking me to run over it. But I refrained from doing so.

Oh Yeah, I thought about it.