Atmospherical Friday


April 29, 2005


* Timing is Important *

While driving a few weeks ago I looked out of the right side of my car and saw a great sunset in the making. Yeah, the clouds and the position of the sun was going to present me with some awesome effects. However, as I was driving in the traffic, stuck behind numerous traffic lights, I was having a difficult time finding a good clearing and a good place to stop so I could get a picture, before the moment was gone. As the sun was hiding behind the clouds it was shooting a spray of light in all directions. By the time I was finally able to stop and get the camera out all that was left was the spray of light to the left. I think it still made for a good shot. But not quite a good as it could have been. 

Hmm, maybe next time I'll just slam on the gas, blow through all the red lights, and run all the other motorists off of the road.
Yeah. Imagine trying to explain that one to the arresting officer.