Graphical Wednesday


July 06, 2005


* Fingers in the Sky *

Well, like so many times before, I didn't have a good Graphic image to share with you for this week. So, when in doubt, just grab a picture of the sky and throw a little contrast enhancements on it and, there you go. "A digitally enhanced and manipulated image. YAY!!" So Wednesday is covered and I'm off to something else.

Some of these things I just do on a whim anyway, while playing around with my normal images. And of course this is when that small window of opportunity becomes available that I am actually bored. But all these little experiments all too often spawn other ideas that cause me to come up with something completely different, that might be interesting, and I keep working at it. Then, before I know it, I have become totally distracted, wasted numerous hours and not gotten anything else done. 

Well, some people might call that being an artist. But isn't that also what they refer to as being "attention deficit"?