Biological Tuesday


January 10, 2006


* Giant Crab Spider *

This spider was previously posted as a "Crevice Creature" because I found it in the back corner of my cupboard.
Although, at the time, I had no clue what this spider was, and had inappropriately determined it to be some type of recluse. But after further research I conclusively found this to be a Giant Crab Spider (Olios giganteus), and with this particular specimen being a male of the species. This is easily determined by the very abnormally large pedipalps (or "feelers") in front. 
The giant crab spider, like this one, can have a leg span of about 3" and has a very identifiable "Y"-shape marking on the back of its abdomen, and dark fangs in the front. Although it is not dangerously venomous, it is very aggressive and fast and can inflict a very painful bite.
As is with most spiders, they are beneficial in controlling pests, so I captured and released this one outside, unharmed. But once I turned it loose, and got off a few shots, it scampered across the ground so fast I quickly lost track of it. 
Not sure of where it went, I very carefully backed away from the area and left as fast as I could.
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