Biological Tuesday


July 18, 2006


* Black Swallowtail *

Photography tip of the day;
Taking pictures of wildlife

When we see a wild animal or interesting insect we naturally want to get as close as we possibly can to the subject in order to get the best picture. Unfortunately as we creep up on the subject it almost always takes off before we can get a shot of it and we end up with nothing but disappointment. But what I try to do is, upon discovery, I zoom in as far as I can and get a picture of it immediately, from whatever distance I might be. Then I will slowly creep up a little closer and take another shot. I creep up again and again and get as many shots as I can before it gets away. 
And of course a stealthy and slow approach always helps with timid creatures.

I believe I got my lens within a foot of this butterfly, and this was the forth and final shot before it finally got annoyed with me and flew away. Other times in the past I have gotten up and close enough to touch some of these delicate creatures.