Graphical Wednesday


July 19, 2006


click on image to view flash
* Time Lapse *

Or click here to go visit the Time Lapse Photography page.

Now in order to get the full effect of this posting, you'll have to go and see the short flash animation clip, or to the Time Lapse Photography page.
So click on the image or link above to take you to the web page. However you will need "Flash" installed on your system to view the Flash animation.

As we have, for many years, seen time lapse photography, I have also always admired and been fascinated with this art and have always wanted to experiment with it a bit myself. Well, now, with my new equipment I have that ability. The ability to be able to speed up time, in a video and watch thunder clouds form, or watch a flower bloom, or watch the stars move across a night sky. 

Of course all of these things will take a great deal of time and patience. So I'll have to see if I can muster up some of that stuff as well.