Photographical Saturday


August 12, 2006


* Barney Dies *

Yes, that's right, a sad day has come. Barney, the beloved purple dinosaur, had passed away. 
Loved by millions of small brainwashed children, this icon came into our homes, our hearts, and our minds, as a strange and disturbing babysitter for the youth of our nation. 
Hidden from the media, Barney's demise was intentionally kept from the public in the utmost secrecy. However, directed by a tip from a undisclosed and confidential source, this curious reporter had finally located the final resting spot of our bubbly and jolly and loud-mouthed pal.
I, for one, will not shed a tear for Barney, as I know that he would not have wanted it.

In all actuality, and on a more positive note, these purple signs and man-hole covers are the access points to a pipeline and part of an elaborate new system of reclaiming used water here in the desert. These access points are lined up and down certain roads and areas here in Tucson to mark the pipeline system.

But come on, purple?