Geographical Thursday


May 24, 2007


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* Downtown Tombstone * 

I think I inadvertently captured just about everything in this one shot.

Here you can see the main street of Tombstone, with the new dirt laid down, with the (still wet) white puddles of glue to seal the dirt. In the center of the street there is Jenny Rose from KGUN 9, doing a story on the new dirt streets.

But more importantly, way in the background, down at the end of the street is the actual O.K. Corral, and even with a cowboy on horseback right in front.

Now I did get some closer photos of the outside of the O.K. Corral, but I never went inside to see the actual places where those men engaged in their historic gunfight. I just couldn't see myself paying the $7.50 entrance fee just to see the actual spot where they all shot at each other and died. Apparently for that area, around that time, just about everywhere up and down that street was a place where somebody was killed in a gunfight. 

After a visit to the famous Tombstone Boothill Graveyard I discovered that there was a great deal of killing during and after that fateful day at the O.K. Corral.

But I wasn't willing to spend too much on the simple little exhibits. Just like the fact that I also didn't pay the $3.00 entrance fee to see the famous Tombstone Rose rosebush, the world's largest living, Guinness Book of World Records, rose bush.

$3.00 to see a rosebush?
I just couldn't do it.
