Graphical Wednesday


Jan. 21, 2004

* Star Fighter *

Always fascinated with space imagery and sci-fi, I had made this image some time ago. 
You should be able to click on the image to take you to a hi-res version.

It actually took quite a few components to create this image, which, of course, looks much better at high resolution. 

The background of the colliding stars is from a previous image that I had created. 
Often seen in my space images, a lens-flare effect was added in the upper left to create another star.
(Examples are in "Christmas Star", and "Nebula Clouds")

 The explosion is created from a neat process I came up with.
(Examples are "Plosion", and "011114.htm".)

Not easily seen in this small version, the lasers are just fine, bright green lines. 
Bright green lens-flares are attached to the front of the small ship.
A bright blue flame is added to the rear for propulsion. Created from a skewed blue light.
(Examples are "Blue Star" and also in "Plosion".)

But the space craft itself appeared to me in a very strange way. Its actually composed from an enhanced image of a goose. Yeah that's right, a mirrored image of a goose.
(See these examples; "Mirrors" which was created from "Migration".)