Photographical Sunday


September 24, 2006


* Road Trip *

No, this isn't just another email bragging or showing off my little toy. This is an announcement that I've been on hiatus for way too long, and it's time to go on another adventure. A road trip to the Pacific Northwest and back. I'm still not sure as to my exact route, or how long I will be gone, and not quite sure how much I'll be able to keep in touch with everybody along the way. But I do hope to see and capture some amazing sights and scenery along my trip, and try to post as much as I can on my web site. No, it's not quite the extensive trip around the country, like I did in the past, and I am still reasonably limited to some of the things I can physically do. But the road is calling me and I'm getting itchy feet and I'm ready to jump in the car and just drive. 
So keep up with my web site and I'll hopefully keep it updated along the way, and share some more sights and adventures.

Monday, September 25th, marks the 6th month since my motorcycle accident.
Once again I walked up to the edge and looked over the side into the darkness, and survived.

So I think it's time to celebrate life....
