Graphical Wednesday


June 06, 2007


click on image for larger view
* Too Much? * 

Again, I had to post this image. I decided to spend more time on the image to see what I could do, and as you can see, of course I went a bit too far. More blue for the sky, more contrast for the grass, and definitely more green for the tree and background. I'm sure with a bit of subtleties an image such as this could easily be enhanced to bring out the natural colors, textures and brilliance. Then, of course lies the dilemma. Do we enhance our images to bring out the "natural" aspects that the camera seems to often miss? Sure, while I was standing there admiring the view, the tree was a much brighter green, and the sky was a more dramatic blue, and the fields in the distance were more colorful than what the camera captured at that moment. So, like other photographers,  I do struggle with how much to adjust. After all, with the automatic settings on the camera, and how much we can often adjust the camera settings ourselves, how much does any image come out looking exactly like the actual view? Then, of course we could spend way too much time pondering what it even looks like to another person. Who knows? green to me might be a totally different perspective to another person and could seem like a completely different shade or hue. I guess it's all a matter of perspective.

So I will continue to allow the camera perform it's duties, and capture what it will, and if I feel that it has misrepresented the details in some way or another, I think I might just touch it up just a bit to reveal what I thought I saw. But of course not too much, like this image. These will just have to remain posted to the "Graphicals" section as being totally enhanced.
